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資料筆數共計 7 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

Hutchison Whampoa Limited: The Capital Structure Decision
作者姓名:G. Andrew Karolyi; Larry Wynant; Geoff Crum; Peter Yuan
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A99N021
出版日期:1999/09/30內容長度:26 頁

Hutchison Whampoa was considering strategies for its long-term capital structure. The HK$35 billion Hong Kong-based conglomerate had ambitious growth plans in multiple business sectors in different geographies. Traditionally, like many of its domestic peers, Hutchison had relied entirely on short to medium-term bank loans. Its demand for long-term financing, attractive rates in other capital markets (especially the U.S.) and concern about a more diversified .....more

Valuing a Business or Earnings Stream
作者姓名:Stephen R. Foerster; G. Andrew Karolyi
出版日期:1999/02/15內容長度:9 頁

This note provides an overview of business valuation techniques. The discounted cash flow method is described in a simple six-step process. A numerical example is also provided. Other valuation methods are briefly discussed, including the price-earnings approach, break-up value, and an acquisition premium approach. This note is ideally suited for an executive audience. (A more in-depth note in this area can be found in "A Note on Mergers and .....more

Hutchison Whampoa Limited - Yankee Bond Offering
作者姓名:G. Andrew Karolyi; Richard Johnston
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A98N023
出版日期:1998/11/25內容長度:20 頁

A diversified global interests company, which is financed through medium and long-term loans, is preparing a US$1 billion bond offering. Students will have to figure the individual bond price, including the possible cost of the issue, while considering the receptiveness of the market, given the change in sovereignty over Hong Kong.

Huaneng Power International Inc.: Raising Capital in Global Markets
作者姓名:G. Andrew Karolyi; Stephen R. Foerster; Jerry White
出版日期:1998/03/05內容長度:26 頁

Huaneng Power International (HPI), an independent power producer in the People's Republic of China (PRC), is in the process of executing a global equity issue to raise funds for the construction of new power plants. The company is planning to list the new shares through an American Depositary Receipt program on the New York Stock Exchange. The company has recently reduced the price of the issue due to poor market conditions and investor resistance .....more

Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd.: The Wascana Energy Inc. Decision
作者姓名:Stephen R. Foerster; G. Andrew Karolyi; Jerry White
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A97N014
出版日期:1997/10/24內容長度:25 頁

Wascana Energy Inc., an oil and gas producer, had just rejected an unsolicited $1.8 billion takeover offer from Talisman Energy Inc. Rival Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. had gained access to confidential Wascana data in order to determine whether a higher bid than Talisman's was warranted, and if so, how to structure the deal. The acquisition would need to make strategic sense.

Currency Hedging for International Portfolios
作者姓名:G. Andrew Karolyi
出版日期:1997/05/15內容長度:11 頁

The objective of this note is to identify the key issues, theories and empirical evidence on the management of currency risks in international portfolios. Readers are introduced to the concept of universal hedging developed by Fischer Black, empirical evidence on the performance of different currency hedging strategies and best practices. The note is useful background for the case "Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency .....more

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure
作者姓名:G. Andrew Karolyi; Dean Tzembelicos
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A97N002
出版日期:1997/02/19內容長度:15 頁

The international investments program initiated in 1990 by the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Canada's largest public pension fund, had created a large exposure to currency risk. Some successful tactical currency hedging activities in 1995 prompted management to pursue the possibility of a structured foreign currency hedging program. The issue before management was whether such a hedging program should be undertaken and what form it should .....more